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Pakistan: Politics of deception and betrayal

Link [2022-04-13 00:33:30]

The lingering suspicion unfolds a reasoned impression that Imran Khan - the hurriedly ousted PM’s failure is the net success of the nine skeleton grouped parties – “Democratic Front.” This Front is not formed by the people but by the few discontented figures eager to grab political power by any means. It would be illogical to describe the opposition as democratic as so many of them are listed indicted criminals, thugs, killers and failed politicians of the recent past. The current political chaos does not signal any ingenious mechanism of rational perception to appreciate the necessity of political change engineered by the few against many – the masses of Pakistan. There is stunning embarrassed silence as to why the army General would become part of violent assumption for change and plague the extravagant idea of leadership change in the country. The so called “Democratic Front” does not appear to have any rational agenda for the present or futuristic socio-economic and political challenges and hard times facing the besieged nation. Most Pakistani wonder as to who unleashed the unwarranted and sudden political change to appease the few and to undermine the stability of the country? Was it a military sponsored coup d’état against an elected civilian governance? Imran Khan – a new generation sportsman (Tehreek-e-Insaf) “Movement for Justice”, with moral and intellectual integrity had many weaknesses and strength but unlike the opposition leaders, he has no criminal past, he did not rob any banks nor killed any fellow citizens and did not loot any public treasury to buy palaces in UK, France, Dubai and elsewhere. Is Pakistani politics reserved for the thugs, criminals and killers and not for any intelligent proactive person standing for a fair and just society to be evolved in a systematic manner? A rational skeptic in an irrational Pakistani political culture would imagine wide range of gulf between opinions of the few and truth of the majority. Pakistani politics is infested with corruption from top to bottom and those in the governance lost sense of rationality to distinguish between right and wrong.  This means, the nation will pay with pains, tormenting worries and insane rages of the few egomaniac and perverted rulers who could not think right or lead the nation - the political gangsters and the laughing stalk of the wounded nation and perpetrators of violence and the typical “Right Men” syndrome in its most naked form. For several decades, Pakistan’s capacity for change has been badly fractured and its moral, intellectual and political consciousness and values derailed and undermined by the few. As this author noted in “Pakistan: More Things Change, More Remain the Same” (MMN, USA, 2013), there are three major contending forces escalating conflicts to degenerate the future and cripple the freedom and integrity of Pakistan:  Generals, who have ruled the country for almost four decades and are not willing to relinquish their own strategic- political  powerhouse, militarization of the nation; Feudal landlords transformed politicians, the systematic by-products of the military Generals are the selected few families - Bhutoos- Zardaris, Sharifs and Chaudris of Gujarat acting as accomplice to support the military-based indoctrination as and when required for all seasons; People, the besieged masses of Pakistan - the net participatory victims and reactionaries to all of the tragedies for over fifty years To Comprehend the Prevalent Political Reality:  USAID – A Game Changer The current chaotic politics deserves critical understanding of the prevalent reality. The scenario of “foreign interference” according to Imran Khan is an irrational excuse. Khan knew well how Pakistan politicians are corrupt and enjoin a history of selling the national interest. America is a big game player in Pakistan and its security apparatus.  Two of the nation’s former Prime Ministers (Moeen Qurashi and Shaukat Aziz) were appointed by the IMF- US dominated Bank. The aid gimmick has kept Pakistan interdependent on the policy making of the US administration and a nation being viewed more liability than an asset to the American geo-political interests in that region. The US leaders allege Pakistani rulers (civilians and military) as “double dealers” paid, bribed but act contrary to the American dictates. The imagery that floats across the globe that Pakistani Generals and politicians are in the paid US basket and survive on its active support to rule Pakistan.   The NY Times May 18, 2008 headline reads: Pakistani Generals are paid to do the job. That job was war in Afghanistan was under General Musharraf. The beggar nation that continues to be living at the mercy of the so called US aid money and foods. All that can go wrong have gone wrong with the system of Pakistani governance. Every one selling others, every one making cash dollars by trading-in the interests of the nation. It is business “as usual” and nobody seems to raise any eyebrows anymore in a culture of nuisance, filthy corruption, and non-Islamic governance claiming to be Islamic Republic of Pakistan.  Nobody knows where Islam exists or is operative within Pakistan.

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