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On the suppression of human potential

Link [2022-02-08 19:52:03]

After the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, Heinrich Himmler instituted a policy that "untermensch” Polish children would only be educated up to grade 4, learn to count solely up to 500, learn that God had commanded them to be slaves to the Germans, and never learn to read. Similarly, less than a century earlier, it was made a crime to teach African American slaves how to read and write. In the 19th and early 20th Centuries, entire classes of impoverished children in North America were discouraged from going to school so they could work in factories, mines, and on farms as cheap labor to help support their struggling families whereas children of wealthier parents would be able to fully attend school and lead a life of leisure, managing the wealth inherited by them. These "elite” classes lived from the profits garnered by the lower class workers. The underlying message in all of these tragic stories is the same: Keep one class of human beings ignorant, impoverished and desperate so that a "higher”/parasitic class of human beings would be educated, prosper and be permanently separated/ "elevated” from the lower uneducated classes. In another glaring example of class warfare, there have been numerous instances where controlled substances (opium, meth, marijuana, etc.) have been introduced to different groups (e.g. in China and in America's inner cities) with an aim of destroying human intellectual potential and keeping millions addicted, desperate and impoverished. Of course, skin color was used to segregate human beings. But language has also formed artificial barriers (e.g. Polish versus German) when otherwise, one would not notice a significant difference between a blonde and blue eyed Polish dziewczynka and blonde and blue eyed German mädchen. And in other cases, (e.g. the Roman Catholic Irish in the US and Britain, and Orthodox Christian Serbians in Catholic Croatia), religion was used to divide, persecute and subjugate different peoples. More subtle differences (e.g in dialect) have also been used to distinguish the "high” classes vs. the "low” classes such as discussed by George Bernard Shaw in Pygmalion. In many countries, where you attended university, how much money your parents make, and where you grew up are also often used to differentiate/"classify" people. The point of this myriad classification of different tribes of humans is allow one group to succeed at the expense of others. Himmler obviously knew that Polish children were just as capable as German children at counting far beyond 500 (and any other children too), but the key point was to perpetuate the "uber-” vs. "unter-” mensch fantasy as an excuse/justification to suppress the human potential of millions of Polish people (and other "undesirable” peoples such as Russians, Serbs, Gypsies and Jews) by limiting and stultifying their education, thus quashing their natural intellectual potential. This would give the Germans an artificial and permanent advantage over the peoples they conquered for the planned 1000 years of the Fourth Reich.

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