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Macron: Head and shoulders above the rest

Link [2022-02-07 20:32:31]

Far superior in every way to his Anglo-Saxon allies, the French President shows Statesmanship, maturity and common sense Well, what a difference. Today we have Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, doing a diplomatic tour of Europe’s self-made hotspot showing maturity, a grasp of the situation, common sense, Statesmanship, gravitas, kudos and practically all one might expect from a Head of State who takes pride in himself and in his country. And what a contrast with his hysterical Anglo-Saxon allies, you know, the ones who go gallivanting around the world deporting entire populations and gassing their pets (Chagos Isles) or else lying at the United Nations Security Council and invading a sovereign country outside the auspices of international law (Iraq). And getting away with mass murder, Scot-free. The criminal foreign policy of Washington and its sidekick We might add to the list the crime of cavorting with terrorists on their own lists of proscribed groups in Libya and siding with terrorist elements in Syria, elements which sliced the breasts off nuns before gang-raping them and which raped little girls before and after they were decapitated and their heads used as a football after they were forced to watch their parents being tortured to death. If that isn’t evil, I don’t know what is.

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