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How to start a war

Link [2022-11-26 19:13:44]

The issue is being raised in the context of ongoing US midterm elections, and the fact that over the past thirty years US presidents have been the world’s best at stirring up war and disorder. This is according to the report produced by one of Congress’ own commissions — 251 wars and military interventions since 1991 — absolutely unbeatable. Presidents during this time have been: George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. A hefty collection of warmongers, and the worst of them has been the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Barack Obama, who, among other things, has the US war against the people of Ukraine on his conscience. He was president of the United States in 2014. But let’s go back just over 100 years to get a perspective on how to start wars. In the early 1900s a group of people in power was established in London with extraordinary strength. At the group’s forefront were Nataniel Rothschild and John Rockefeller, in addition to bankers such as Paul Warburg and Jacob Schill.

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