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Global Peace and Human Security: People and Global Leaders at Crossroads?

Link [2022-09-07 00:37:08]

To manifest global peace and human security, We, the People of conscience ask for a reasoned dialogue for peace between the warring parties. There is no place for complicity to maintain ignorance to atrocities and emerging calamities or acrimonious spell of violence and madness on the other side. Superiority of intellect and information are simply imperatives of necessity, not the soul of human compassion and universal kindness. Cynicism about politicians is endemic. Mikhail Gorbacheve died this week but his legacy is not absent to offer opportunities of political openness to change in Russia if collective efforts are implied to rebuild the trust between the contemporary belligerent actors. Chernobyl nuclear meltdown is not forgotten or forbidden from fresh memory as were the nuclear incidents in Japan and the Three Miles Island, NY. We, the People of the world witnessed the unthinkable consequences of human fatalities and environmental impacts for ages to come. Scientists and engineers specializing in nuclear reactor technology must have imagined theoretical and conceptual perfection of security and peace on this planet. Not so at Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine) nuclear station under Russian control posing a critically ferocious problem according to the IAEA (Geneva) team visited the site, calling "the security and integrity of the plant violated.' Its volatility is a serious concern to all if another meltdown happens, the competing forces would start the blame games while the human peace and security would be at crossroads. It is repulsive to suppose universal harmony can be enhanced by profligacy, malevolence and horrors and miseries of unthinkable multitudes. The IAEA team took more than two weeks just to visit the epicenter of alleged nuclear disaster. How could the UNO or any of its agencies assure the global humanity of its safety and survival in a nuclear meltdown? The current global institutions have a serious problem of integrity, relevance and effectiveness. Why did the UNO Security Council failed to convene an emergency session and designate the nuclear establishments as "Safe Zones”, and "out of bound' for all military engagements? The people around Zaporizhzhia breathe fear and sleep with invisible horrors of radiation and nuclear meltdown. The infested fear could dehumanize people all over the globe. Despite the reality of catastrophic events of the WW2, most global leaders claiming greatness of minds and visions have lost the moral and intellectual path of political farsightedness and accountability. The EU and NATO and their regionalized and ethno-nationalistic propositions are fast becoming contentious issues of peace and security between the Russian Federation and the Western nations. People of knowledge and wisdom cannot make animosity as a trade to endanger our future.

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