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Elizabeth Mary Truss, Wannabe-Maggie, or Mrs. Bean?

Link [2022-09-07 00:37:08]

I believe in giving a new politician their own space, a white leaf of paper for them to write their political epitaph. Truss, however, has already written it Elizabeth Truss has been elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a population of around 60 million souls, by around eighty thousand members of the Conservative Party. Then she speaks about Freedom and Democracy in her inaugural acceptance speech. If that is Democracy, I am a Mongolian yak herdsman. The political animal Truss is, in two words, a political animal. What is a political animal? It is not someone who states their convictions clearly, sticks to them and resigns if the environment goes against what they have stood for. Rather, it is someone whose main aim is to remain in politics, somewhere, somehow, changing position where necessary, leaving options open where possible, using personal relationships where it is fitting and to hell with everyone else, including family and friends, and then claiming the higher moral ground while presenting her/himself as a winner, using Establishment-cooing soundbites in the process.

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