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Conflict, where Censorship turns Propaganda into Information and Vitriol

Link [2022-03-05 18:33:44]

Somehow, we have arrived at a point where we need some adults in the room, preferably women, but adults, who leave their hats outside the door I never thought I would find myself in a position in which I would see a bipolar world forming before my eyes, with oceans of hatred pouring from the mouths of western politicians and from the keyboards of western journalists, as the “us and them” ratchets up to astronomical proportions. For over twenty years I have been writing about a multi-polar world in which crisis management takes place in the United Nations Security Council and in which all sides are able to sit down around a table, listen to one another, I repeat, LISTEN TO ONE ANOTHER and to diffuse crises before they materialise. For twenty years I have been writing about the barbarity of the western approach, imposing democracy and removing governments from thirty thousand feet, bombing the crap out of countries and civilians then claiming the high moral ground through puerile opinion pieces which reach puerile easily-led readers and viewers.

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