Ukraine's state-run TV channel FreeDom decided not to broadcast its programmes in Russian. The channel decided to opt for English instead, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov said, reports on its Telegram channel. According to Danilov, the decision to switch FreeDom TV broadcasts from Russian to English was made at a meeting in the Office of the President of Ukraine. "The Russian language must disappear from our territory completely as an element of hostile propaganda to brainwash our population… English is obligatory, our mother tongue is obligatory. Endorsing Russian narratives here is very dangerous — supposedly we should get along with them, we should understand something. Look: we don't need anything from them, let them leave us alone," Danilov said.In July, the Verkhovna Rada gave the first reading to a bill banning Russian names for geographical locations. It goes about the names that extol or "propagandize" Russia, its sights and cities, as well as memorable dates and famous persons.