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Unity Shoppe Telethon raises about $400,000

Link [2022-12-12 22:10:55]

The Unity Shoppe hosted its annual holiday telethon Friday evening, raising approximately $400,000 to support their efforts throughout the year. 

“I think the energy was really good,” Unity Shoppe Executive Director Tom Reed told the News-Press. “We brought some folks back that had been a part of the telethon in the early days. Kenny Loggins was interviewed during the last hour. Kenny caught a vision of what Barabra Tellefson shared with him in the early 80s, even though we were working out of cardboard boxes in a small office space. We also had Don Katich, a tv producer who started with the telethon in the early days, and Lance Orozco, an on-air personality that helped with the pitch.  We had a generous donor that promised to match us if we reached $75,000 during the telethon and we did achieve that match. We also had several large donations over $20,000. We raised approximately $400,000, and I think by the time it is all counted we will be very close to half a million.”

“With loyal financial and volunteer support as its foundation, Unity Shoppe strives to be a year-round trusted community safety net which expands the social and economic equity of the underserved, helping them regain their footing in the shortest time possible, especially when confronted by an unforeseen crisis that might otherwise result in welfare dependence or homelessness,” according to Unity Shoppe’s website. 

“We started with opening comments from KEYT-TV. Then the city fire truck drove up and donated a bunch of toys. Dana Newquist also drove up in his 1937 antique fire truck filled with toys and decorated for Christmas. We had non-stop interviews and cameras in the food store and Santa’s toy shoppe. We also had cameras at the phone bank, cameras in the event center and cameras outside with the lights. It’s pretty dynamic so you don’t get bored watching. We had great entertainment:  Brad Paisley, Glenn Phillips, Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald. Katy Perry also submitted a video and Ms. Perry’s parents, Mary and Keith Hudson were also in attendance. There was a segment honoring my retirement in which I sang a Christmas song I wrote as well,” said Mr. Reed. 

“We had varied entertainment, which is often why people tune in. That is why this has become a tradition in Santa Barbara which I think will continue. We always  sing  ‘It’s Christmas Once Again In Santa Barbara,’  by Barry deVorzon, together on stage to end the telethon,” he added.

To learn more or donate, go to https://unityshoppe.org.  

 email: kzehnder@newspress.com

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