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Santa Barbara City Council changes Anacapa Street, accepts bicycle plan

Link [2022-05-25 21:23:57]

DAVE MASON / NEWS-PRESSBicyclists head down State Street. The Santa Barbara City Council approved an addendum to the 2016 Bicycle Master Plan Tuesday.

The Santa Barbara City Council voted Tuesday to make the 400 block of Anacapa Street two ways.

The council also accepted an update on the 2016 Bicycle Master Plan. The council approved an addendum that includes updated maps showing existing, funded and proposed bike facilities since the plan was adopted.

And council members agreed to accept a $100,000 state grant to start a teen internship program at the Santa Barbara Public Library.

The meeting at City Hall largely focused on a consent calendar, items that require little discussion such as those listed above. A consent calendar allows the council to approve a list of items with one motion and without extensive discussion.

But there was some discussion on one consent calendar item: Anacapa Street. One Santa Barbara resident and businessman spoke against the proposed change, which would make Anacapa Street two ways in the 400 block. 

“Some of the businesses would be negatively impacted,” Jed Hazard told the council, speaking remotely from another location. “I beg you guys to leave the road as it’s been.”

With the change, Anacapa remains one way between Haley and Mission streets. That means motorists going in the “wrong” direction from the 400 block will have to turn onto Haley Street.

“I believe we’ll end up with a lot of head-on accidents from this,” Mr. Hazard  said.

Mr. Hazard also noted two-way traffic would pose problems for delivery trucks that require both lanes as they load and unload.

After listening to his comments, the city council approved the street change as part of its vote in favor of the entire consent calendar.

The city reportedly had considered the Anacapa Street change as a means of improving traffic flow and giving motorists more options.

The same vote on the consent calendar also meant the council:

— Authorized the library director to enter into an agreement with Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara in the amount of $134,938 to provide support services and outreach to homeless individuals. This will be done through a contracted position, and that individual would work with the library through June 30, 2023.— Amended speed limits on certain portions of Anapamu Street, De la Guerra Street, Garden Street, Las Positas Road and Modoc Road.

— Accepted an equipment schedule for two fire apparatus.

— Authorized the public works director to execute a city professional services contract with Quincy Engineering Inc. in the amount of $298,917 for preliminary engineering, environmental and survey services for the Lower Eastside Community Connectivity Active Transportation Plan.

— Authorized the city administrator to execute a memorandum of understanding with CommUnify related to the city’s participation in the South Coast Task Force on Youth Safety.

— Authorized a $240,000 increase of an agreement with Data Ticket Inc. for electronic parking citation services for the next two fiscal years. The value of the three-year agreement now totals $725,000.

email: dmason@newspress.com

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