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Pioneer Valley Student Council wins Outstanding Leadership Award

Link [2022-04-13 00:35:19]

The Pioneer Valley High School Student Council recently earned the Outstanding Leadership Program Award from the California Association of Student Leaders. 

The recognition was announced during the three-day California Association of Student Leaders State Conference at the Ontario Convention Center. PV received the honor for the traditions and activities on its campus during the 2021-2022 school year. 

Students from throughout the state spent the time discussing and sharing ideas about how to make their schools more involved and inclusive. Students attended workshops that included topics such as finding their communication weaknesses and how to control a busy schedule. Twenty-two Panthers attended. 

“Being able to accept our school’s OLPA (Outstanding Leadership Program Award) was a heartwarming experience and great honor,” said Kendall Courtright, 2022-2023 PV ASB president-elect. “I was so happy to see the Pioneer Valley Student Council recognized for the dedication, creativity and kindness we pour into what we do on our campus. CASL’s environment is uplifting and welcoming to all young student leaders, so having the privilege of getting up on that stage in front of delegates from all over California to represent Pioneer Valley was very exciting! 

“I am thankful for all that our ASB gained from CASL this year, accepting that award for Pioneer Valley was very special to me and for that I am forever grateful,”  Kendall said.

Other students commented about the conference.

“The CASL conference was an amazing opportunity that I am beyond grateful to be able to experience. I loved having the opportunity to meet new amazing people and connect with them. This experience was unforgettable, and I can’t wait for next year’s conference,”  said Espi Hurtado, freshman class secretary. 

 “After attending CASL, I realized going back to school after COVID was going to be difficult as a student leader, and it would be hard to get the foundation that was there before lockdown,” said Gabby Vargas, freshman. “CASL helped me realize issues my school faces, and with the things I learned at CASL, I will apply that knowledge into growth and improvement.”

Lisa Walters, Pioneer Valley High School activity director/student council adviser and the California Association of Directors of Activities Area D coordinator, noted,  “I am so proud of the PVHS Student Council! 

“Through the last two years, it has had its plans canceled or changed at the last minute, and it has always stepped up to make sure that our students have events to help them feel connected to our campus. This year, the council members have worked hard to make new traditions, including all students’ needs in their planning and bringing PVHS back to the supportive and happy place it was before the world stopped. They have won this award, and they so deserve it.” 

email: mmcmahon@newspress.com

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