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Goleta’s newest city council member talks about her goals

Link [2022-12-09 22:43:01]


Luz Reyes-Martin, the newest member of the Goleta City Council, says she wants to address concerns on everything from road maintenance to parks and public safety.

Ms. Reyes-Martin unseated longtime Councilmember Roger Aceves in the Nov. 8 election, which marked the first time that council members were elected on a district-by-district basis. Ms. Reyes-Martin, who will represent the newly created District 1, is scheduled to be sworn in Dec. 20.

“I believe strongly in public service and working with the community. My goals as a council member will be to represent the needs and concerns of District 1 and the city as a whole,” Ms. Reyes-Martin told the News-Press. “I will work hard to deliver essential services, address concerns such as road maintenance and safety, care for our parks and open spaces, support public safety, and work with our local business community. I will seek input from diverse perspectives to make informed decisions on issues before the council.”

In the Nov. 8 election, Ms. Reyes-Martin unseated Roger Aceves, the council’s longest serving member.

The News-Press asked Ms. Reyes-Martin about her victory and how she plans to build on Mr. Aceves’ legacy.

“I have a lot of respect for folks who serve in public office. It requires sacrifice and a deep commitment to the community,” she said. “I am proud of the grassroots campaign we ran. I ran on a positive message, sharing my background and experience and my commitment to the community. I have so much gratitude for the confidence my district has in my leadership, and I will work hard to continue to earn and be worthy of their support. 

“Goleta just celebrated its 20th Anniversary. I look forward to being part of charting the city’s future. I will work collaboratively with the mayor and council, with regional partners, and with our partners at the state to address Goleta’s needs and the needs of our residents.”

The News-Press asked Ms. Reyes-Martin what is planned to address the lack of street lighting in Goleta.

“What I can say is that adequate lighting is essential to public safety and neighborhood pride,” she said. “I have heard a desire to improve the lighting around the Goleta (Valley) Community Center, which I support.”

Ms. Reyes-Martin spoke to traffic improvements and how creating bike lanes on Hollister Avenue will impact traffic congestion.

“Among the concerns I heard from residents throughout the campaign were traffic congestion and street safety,” she said. “I attended a community workshop and city council meetings on the Hollister interim striping project, where compelling information has been shared about safety improvements that could be achieved with this project. 

“I support moving forward with the interim project. An interim project allows us to implement safety improvements while providing the flexibility to make adjustments before committing to a permanent change.”

The News-Press asked what the revenue from the newly passed sales tax will go toward.

“The sales tax will bring much needed revenue to the city to address essential services,” Ms. Reyes-Martin said. “One hundred percent of the funds will stay in Goleta. Last year, the council identified some funding priorities. I expect the council will further refine those priorities. The sales tax goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024. 

“Some of the priorities I heard most frequently from residents included addressing our backlog of street/road maintenance, maintaining our local creeks, supporting our public safety programs, and maintaining the 9-1-1 response. I look forward to engaging with the council on funding priorities and hearing from residents in my district.”

Ms. Reyes-Martin spoke about what will be done to address homelessness.

“The Goleta City Council approved the Homesslesnness Strategic Plan in 2021. I look forward to engaging with the council on progress being made with this plan. In addition, I have attended meetings for the Goleta Regional Action Plan (RAP). It is clear that addressing the homeless is a priority for the city. I will be reaching out to regional partners and experts to hear the latest and support taking a proactive approach to addressing homelessness in our city.”

The News-Press asked Ms. Reyes-Martin what will be done to boost the growth of businesses.

“I look forward to meeting with representatives from the South Coast Chamber of Commerce and also with local small businesses and entrepreneurs,” she said. “Goleta has a vibrant and diverse business community, and I will be working with stakeholders to support a strong business sector in our city.”

Ms. Reyes-Martin also spoke to the future growth of the city.

“I believe in carefully managed planning and including robust community engagement,” she said. “When we consider projects that lead to growth, it is my responsibility as a council member to ensure the city is planning and mitigating anticipated impacts to resources such as water, traffic, roads and public safety.”

The News-Press asked Ms. Reyes-Martin what will be done about the student housing issue and the city’s related lawsuit against UCSB.

 “Discussions about the ongoing lawsuit with UCSB have been part of a closed session with the council. As a result, I am not privy to negotiations or discussions,” she said. “Once I am sworn in, I look forward to learning more and ensuring our city is holding UCSB accountable as a regional partner to adequately provide housing for its students, faculty and staff.”

Ms. Reyes-Martin discussed what can be done to bring more affordable and low-income housing to Goleta. “The immediate task the city has before them is having a state-approved Housing Element. I have heard from many constituents about the need to provide housing that is affordable, protecting existing affordable housing, and also protections for renters. These are all issues I look forward to engaging with my colleagues on. 

“I believe in careful planning that includes community input and where we ensure that we are planning for impacts to water, traffic and public safety. I believe we can provide housing that is affordable while also respecting the character of our community and safeguarding our natural environment.”

The News-Press asked Ms. Reyes-Martin about crime reduction and the job that first responders are doing.

“I support our first responders and public safety. The city of Goleta contracts with the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office. They have done a good job of keeping our city safe and providing important public safety information and response to our community,” she said. “I will continue engaging with them to learn more about the constraints they have and also bring public safety issues to their attention that I may hear from constituents. 

“Similarly with the sheriff, the city receives its fire safety and response from the Santa Barbara County Fire Department. They have done a good job in responding to wildfires and other emergencies. I look forward to supporting their continued work in Goleta and engaging in dialogue on what constraints they may have. I believe I can work collaboratively with all of our public safety partners for the benefit of Goleta residents.” 

Ms. Reyes-Martin spoke of how she would like to see Old Town revitalized.

“Old Town Goleta is a vibrant community, rooted in our city’s history. There is a healthy mix of long standing businesses and new small businesses. Any proposed improvements or changes to Old Town must include robust community engagement.

“The voices of residents, business owners, and community members must be included in the conversation. I would love to see more community events in Old Town Goleta.”

She said she looks forward to participating in the Goleta Holiday Parade, set for 6 p.m. Saturday on Hollister Avenue (weather permitting).

“I am part of the Goleta (Valley) Community Center Strategic Plan Group. The Community Center is the heart of Old Town,” she said. “I think it has great potential to continue to be an anchor for community gathering in Old Town.

“It is important to me to be active and visible in my district and in the city. I look forward to engaging with residents throughout my term and not just during council meetings.”

email: kzehnder@newspress.com

The post Goleta’s newest city council member talks about her goals appeared first on Santa Barbara News-Press.

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