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ELECTION 2022: David Brown runs for Solvang City Council

Link [2022-11-03 16:06:57]


Editor’s note: This is part of a series on local candidates in advance of Tuesday’s general election.

David Brown, who describes himself as business-friendly, is running for the Solvang City Council District 3 seat against Louise Smith. 

Mr. Brown received his bachelor’s in agriculture/business management from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 1980 and his master’s in business administration from Pepperdine University in 1987. 

Mr. Brown told the News-Press he decided to run to “employ my common sense to the city and be a steward on behalf of my neighbors.”

The News-Press asked Mr. Brown how his career has prepared him for the council.

“I think my career goes back to mostly finance and workouts and turnarounds,” he said. 

“I probably read more financial reports than most CPAs with regards to work I have done,” he said. “I have a good understanding of fiscal responsibility, and I think I’m a very good negotiator bringing two diverse sides together. I have also been on the board of directors for nonprofits and for profit companies. It’s not my first rodeo. I’m just wearing a different hat.” 

Mr. Brown spoke to his goals if elected.

“I want to help secure better and more stable water sources for the city, whether it be storage or acquisition sources from neighboring water companies,” he explained. “I’m really a Boy Scout, and the Boy Scouts have an outdoor code: ‘Leave it better than you find it.’  I would really like to leave it better than when I came in, whether that be grooming a new generation, better leadership, things of that nature. 

“I have no ego requirements. It’s amazing how many things you can get accomplished if you share the credit.” 

The News-Press asked Mr. Brown to explain why he felt he would be better than his opponent, Ms. Smith. 

“I believe my background and experience have a greater scope and depth making me better qualified, as it relates to city management and representing the district,” Mr. Brown said.

“There was actually a third candidate, Janice Mathews,” he noted. “ She withdrew her paperwork and endorsed me.”

If elected, Mr. Brown said he would work to help businesses.

“I think too often agencies or regulations put unnecessary burdens on business,” he said. “As a small business owner, I would like to clean up, streamline and minimize the barrier to entry for businesses and let the free market take its course. “That’s a partial solution to housing as well,” Mr. Brown added. “I also have a whole page in Spanish on my website.

“I think being inclusive requires action, not just a tagline — access and engagement to who I am and what I want to accomplish.”

email: kzehnder@newspress.com

FYITo learn more about candidate David Brown, visit dbrown4solvangcitycouncil.com. 

The post ELECTION 2022: David Brown runs for Solvang City Council appeared first on Santa Barbara News-Press.

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