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Biden and his campaign promises

Link [2022-05-22 18:38:06]

Unfortunately for America, the president decided to keep his word MATT H. WADE/WIKIPEDIA Brent Zepke writes that Ketanji Brown Jackson, below, who will become a Supreme Court justice in the new term, was a bad choice in light of her past rulings.

As we continue down the economic sink hole of the beginning of the Biden Dark Ages, the tens of people who managed to listen through the bumbling-mumbling Biden campaign promises before rallies that would have fit in his basement or the couple of hundred thousand who watched his televised rallies, instead of the tens of millions at Trump rallies, know we should not be surprised.

For the rest of us, here were President Joe Biden’s campaign promises:

1. The answer to everything, including the deficit, is to spend more. Why? Because government spending always comes with increased government control, where, for this White House, means the switch from equality of opportunity to rewarding the non-performers through a form of retributions they call “equity.”

As with every topic herein, the number of examples is so large that examples must be limited. For example, the feds grabbing control of the remedies for COVID in order to distribute them along racial guidelines.

Last week President Biden said he would subsidize the fertilizer industry despite farmers saying that would not help. What they really need is a reduction in the cost of gasoline.

2. Race triumphs all criteria. 

President Biden’s campaign violated the intent of the Civil Rights Act with the promise he  would only consider a black woman for a vice president, and Kamala Harris was seen as the most qualified running mate despite her accusing President Biden of discrimination.

Now that we all have seen her “in action.”  Think about what that says about the availability of qualified woman of color if she was the most qualified. Same violation by only considering black women for his nominee for Supreme Court justice and, again, his nominee, Judge  Ketanji Brown Jackson, was so bad that the Democrats called the Republicans “racist” (what else?) for pointing out her record as a judge of being easy on sex crimes.

The Democrats, of course, refused to even consider her rulings as a judge.

Imagine that after the left attacked not only every decision of Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Barrett but even their high school activities.

President Biden selected Pete Buttigieg, who has stated everything in the U.S. suffers from systemic racism including the highway system, to head the highway system as transportation secretary.  

COURTESY PHOTOSColumnist Brent Zepke is critical of President Joe Biden for undoing what Mr. Zepke said are the solutions that President Donald Trump implemented.

3. Climate change means he must crush the fossil fuel industry. The starting point is to raise the price of gasoline. 

4. Open borders are good. President Donald Trump solved the border crisis. Why is the White House willfully thrusting the problems of the world on Americans? Is it as simple as taxpaying Americans should pay for more, but receive less, of everything from gasoline to baby formula?

5. President Trump caused all the country’s problems. On President Biden’s Inauguration day  he signed an executive order directing his agencies to reverse all of President Trump’s decisions despite the U.S. thriving. 

President Biden called “ultra-MAGA,” whatever that is, to be the greatest threat in American history without, of course, citing any examples and ignoring the 576 protests-thefts-riots-arson committed by the left groups of BLM, Antifa and just plain opportunist, on American cities. Is he trying to one up Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables”? 

President Trump asked his followers to peacefully proceed to the Capitol, and the protest led to more than 700 arrests and continued violations of their constitutional rights. Sen. Chuck Schumer’s threats that a wave of terror would fall on the Supreme Court as Justice Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed has led to zero arrests as the protestors followed Sen. Schumer’s direction to break the law by trying to influence the Court decision on abortion. 

Actually this was not to influence the justices. That could be done at the court. It was to scare their families by, in essence, making them afraid to walk out their front doors. Actually not Supreme Court justices but only the conservative justices.

It’s a shame justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer and Stephen Breyer are studying crickets rather than speaking out against the threats to the families of their colleagues.

Meanwhile, Merrick Garland, the U.S. attorney General, is calling MAGA supporters terrorists while ignoring the actual terrorists entering at the border and the law violators at the homes of Supreme Court justices. Instead, Mr. Garland is investigating parents for their activities with school boards.    

6. President Biden plays the blame game.For example, he now says Republicans are at fault for not offering any solutions. Republicans under President Trump did more than offer solutions: They implemented them. 

Notice none of the above were problems then.

Unfortunately many are still learning that even though “actions speak louder than words,” but words even filled with “gaffes” carry themes that simply cannot be ignored.

Brent E. Zepke is an attorney, arbitrator and author who lives in Santa Barbara. Formerly he taught at six universities and numerous professional conferences. He is the author of six books: “One Heart-Two Lives,” “Legal Guide to Human Resources,” “Business Statistics,” “Labor Law,” “Products and the Consumer” and “Law for Non-Lawyers.”    

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