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Luke-ing the Beast in the Eye: A golden future: Unpacking the New Direction

Link [2022-01-28 12:15:18]

By Luke Tamborinyoka

On Monday, the people's President Advocate Nelson Chamisa unveiled the Citizens Coalition for Change as the new name of the people's movement. Our old name had been pilfered and Zanunised by the political pirates of our time. The old brand had equally become toxic and had been bastardised by the dictatorship and its paid surrogates.

The Mnangagwa regime has perfected and redefined the art of stealing. They have gone one better than simply stealing State funds and the country's vast mineral wealth. They have gone further than simply stealing the future of our children and the dignity of the country's citizenry. They are now stealing brands and name-tags.

It must however be unequivocally stated from the outset that while the regime can pilfer our name, it can never steal our political fortunes and our destiny. Chamisa's mammoth political success and massive followership in the countryside can never and will never be copied and pasted on a blank political template.

The post Luke-ing the Beast in the Eye: A golden future: Unpacking the New Direction appeared first on Nehanda Radio.

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