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Jewish Nation One Step Forward, Hazara Nation Still Face Holocaust

Link [2022-01-24 20:00:25]

Kabul Press: A group of Hazara activists released a statement letter welcoming the adoption of a resolution by the UN General Assembly condemning Holocaust denial and urging the development of educational programs to prevent genocide acts among future generations.

July 2016, organized bloody attack by Pashtun forces and Taliban on the Hazara peaceful protest

The Hazara activists say in their statement that “Like the Jewish nation, the Hazara nation faced genocide and forced displacement. The genocide of the Hazara started in the 19th century, and over 63% were massacred in the hands of the Pashtuns. Most parts of the Hazara land, Hazaristan, from Kandahar to Herat and Ghazni, and from Kabul to Bamyan and from Kabul to Mazar -i- Sharif invaded and distributed among Pashtuns. In the 20th century, when the Pashtun rulers were sending official envoys to Germany to talk with Nazism as their big Arian race brothers, the Hazara were facing genocide and systematic racial discrimination. Similarly, the Pashtun Taliban also massacred thousands of the Hazara in different parts and destroyed the Hazara Buddhas of Bamyan.” In another part of the statement, it comes that “we thank the Jewish nation for their resistance and their efforts to change our planet for a better place to live. We the Hazara also are with them in the fight against genocide, and as our right, we are willing to determine our faith”

According to Israel's representative at the UN, “6 million Jewish men, women and children were murdered throughout the Holocaust in the most horrific ways imaginable, which was due to the Nazi documentation of their crimes, “the most meticulously documented genocide in history.”

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