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US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement on Screening for Atrial Fibrillation—Reply

Link [2022-05-25 08:20:22]

In Reply The USPSTF appreciates the viewpoints expressed in the Letter by Dr Tertulien and colleagues. The USPSTF is deeply concerned by disparities in access to care, screening, treatment, and health outcomes. We agree that addressing disparities in all preventive services is vital and we are engaged in activities across numerous topics to see how we can contribute to reducing health inequities. The USPSTF has committed to advancing its methods to better identify when systemic racism contributes to health inequities and to include evidence-based strategies that will reverse the negative effects of systemic racism on preventable disease. Recognizing that inequities in the delivery of preventive services persist for people who experience racism, the USPSTF has committed to highlighting the likely effects of systemic racism and health inequities on clinical preventive services in our recommendations. In concert with these efforts, we commissioned a literature review to summarize the evidence on how systemic racism undermines the benefits of evidence-based clinical preventive services and causes preventable deaths.

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