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Ruling on controversial Duhallow crematorium put back until July

Link [2022-04-08 15:15:17]

THE long-running saga over the controversial proposal to build a crematorium in North Cork is set to run into the summer after it emerged a decision on the most recent planning application for the facility has been delayed. Last December that Classic Lodges Ireland Ltd lodged an appeal with An Bord Pleanála against a decision by Cork County Council to refuse planning permission for the facility at the site of the former Duhallow Park Hotel. This after the authority had already refused a previous application for a crematorium on the site. That decision was upheld by the appeals board citing possible pollution to the River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation (SAC) its locations off the main N72 Mallow-Killarney road would “adversely affect the roads operating efficiency and prejudice its strategic traffic function.” As with the initial application, the second one once again galvanised the local community into action, with more than 40 submissions/objections lodged against the proposal. These once again raised concerns about the level of traffic the facility would generate along an already busy stretch of the N72 and the potential impact it might have on public health and the surrounding environment. Council planners cited two key reasons for refusing the second application, ruling that if approved it would “create an adverse effect on the national N72 road where the maximum speed limit applies and would be at variance with policy in relation to control of frontage development on national road”. They further ruled the facility would “endanger public safety by reason of traffic hazard and obstruction of road users due to the movement of extra traffic generated”. On both points they ruled the development would be “contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area”. Appealing the decision, Classic Lodges Ireland contended that the principle of development had been established and the proposed crematorium “would not have adverse effects on the on the efficient operation or prejudice the strategic function of the N72”. They further contended that the planning authority had failed to give proper regard to mitigation measures proposed in a Traffic Transport Assessment submitted with the application. An Bord Pleanála has set a date of April 8 for a ruling on the appeal. However, an official with the appeals board has confirmed to the The Corkman that the decision date has now been put back until an as yet unspecified date in July. The official said the delay was down to the fact the board was dealing with a large backlog of cases caused by restrictions put in place during the Covid-19 pandemic. “We are working through these cases and it is anticipated that a decision in this particular case will be forthcoming in July,” said the official.

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