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Top 3 Yoga asanas for weight loss

Link [2022-06-19 18:00:21]

Yoga can help you reduce from the equator. All that you need to do is the right kind of asana and do it perfectly. If you think that the benefits of yoga include increased flexibility and calming your mind, then you are wrong. You can reduce your weight by doing these 3 asanas every day. Check out the same:

1) Utkatasana or chair pose

You need to stand with your feet apart. Extend your hands in front of you with palms downwards. Ensure that your elbows are not bent. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair and slowly bend your knees. Move your hand overhead in a direction that your fingertips point towards the ceiling. Lengthen your spine and relax in this position. Ensure that you are inhaling and exhaling properly when doing this asana.

2) ​Trikonasana or triangle pose

Stand straight with legs apart. Inhale and lift hands sideways, aligning them to your shoulders. Your hands should be parallel with your palms downwards. Exhale slowly and bend your torso to the right. Take your right hand downwards and touch your right foot. Raise your left hand and look towards the ceiling and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

3) Dhanurasana or bow pose

For this asana, you need to lie on your tummy with feet hip-width apart and your arms by your side. Bend your knees upward and keep your heel towards your buttock. Hold your ankles with your legs. Inhale and lift your chest off the ground while keeping your face straight. Ensure that you pause for a few breaths and then come to a starting position.

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