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International Yoga Day: Jawline craze; more people now opting for face yoga

Link [2022-06-20 23:51:28]

Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Yoga is already known for its benefits in transforming and maintaining physique and mental peace. But, nowadays, more and more people are turning to Yoga that helps to attain beauty and acquire a glowing skin. Yoga practices have proven to be effective measures that a person can take for a healthier skin. Whether it is the treatment of hair fall, acne or wrinkles, Yoga seems to have solutions for a variety of problems.

Sarika, a beautician, says, “Nowadays, people want facial treatment for betterment of their features and a glowing skin. I always suggest they perform five major exercises depending upon their requirements. A face massage and facial yogic activities are totally different, as massage involves relaxation of the muscles, while yoga exercises are meant to provide stiffness to the face which prevents wrinkles.” She added, “The hankering for having a sharp jawline has increased among youngsters and Yoga exercises prove to be effective if done for 20-30 minutes a day; it must be continued for 3-4 weeks.”

People rarely put their trust in beauty products as they have toxic products, while Yoga activities are absolutely reliable in that respect. Madhu Gupta, another beautician, says that people with sensitive skin are difficult to treat with beauty products and, hence, they go through Yoga sessions for facial muscle-building, while meditation provides them a glowing skin.

‘A real stress-buster’

‘As a student, Yoga hasn’t only helped me acquire a healthy physique, but it also serves as a real stress-buster during exam time. I mayn’t regularly perform Yoga activities daily as I run out of time, but I try to take time out and perform the activities which have helped me greatly’

— Saumya Bhatte, university student

‘Sort out your life’

‘I have performed Yoga exercises every day and can vouch that it’s one of the best measures to get one’s life sorted out. All mental pressures get relieved when I start my day with meditation and Surya Namaskar. These two are in my daily schedule. And yes, I have felt a difference in my skin and its texture, too, as I’ve adopted some of the regular face exercises’

— Ishu Sharma, university student

‘Double-chin has gone’

‘My sisters and I follow a routine of facial exercises that was prescribed to me once by my beautician and it’s proved to be one of the best and easiest ways to get my face into shape. I used to have a double-chin which is now gone and this is because of the continuous practice of face Yoga’

—Nishita Jagati, university student

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