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International Nystagmus Awareness Day: Symptoms, treatment and more

Link [2022-06-19 13:52:35]

International Nystagmus Awareness Day on June 20th brings attention to a condition that can cause severe vision problems among other concerns. The day aims to bring tools, resources, and opportunities for education to the forefront.

You may feel like your eyes have a mind of their own. They move up and down, side to side, or in a circle. This is called nystagmus or "dancing eyes." It's a condition where you can't control your eye movements.

These movements often result in reduced vision and depth perception and can affect balance and coordination. These involuntary eye movements can occur from side to side, up and down, or in a circular pattern. As a result, both eyes are unable to steadily view objects.

People with nystagmus might nod and hold their heads in unusual positions to compensate for the condition. Generally, nystagmus is a symptom of another eye or medical problem. Fatigue and stress can make nystagmus worse. However, the exact cause is often unknown.

Those with nystagmus face a variety of challenges. The condition may cause severe vision problems causing them to be legally blind.

Because the eye movements set them apart from others, they often face self-image and social issues. The day aims to alleviate some of these concerns by increasing awareness and erasing the stigma.


Nystagmus is caused by many different things, including:

Being passed down from your parents.

Other eye issues, like cataracts or strabismus.

Diseases like stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Meniere's disease.

Head injuries.

Albinism (lack of skin pigment).

Inner ear problems.

Certain medications, like lithium or drugs for seizures.

Alcohol or drug use.

It may be that your doctor is unable to accurately diagnose its cause.


Involuntary eye movement.

Movement can be in one eye or both.

Objects may appear blurry and shaky.

Nighttime vision problems or sensitivity to light.

Balance and dizziness.


Nystagmus can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye exam. Testing for nystagmus, with special emphasis on how the eyes move, may include:

Patient history to determine any symptoms the patient is experiencing and the presence of any general health problems, medications taken, or environmental factors that may be contributing to the symptoms.

Visual acuity measurements to assess the extent to which vision may be affected.

A refraction to determine the appropriate lens power needed to compensate for any refractive error ( nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism).

Testing how the eyes focus, move and work together. In order to obtain a clear, single image of what is being viewed, the eyes must effectively change focus, move and work in unison. This testing will look for problems that affect the control of eye movements or make it difficult to use both eyes together.

Since nystagmus is often the result of other underlying health problems, a doctor of optometry may refer the patient to their primary care physician or another medical specialist for further testing.

Using the information obtained from testing, a doctor of optometry can determine if the patient has nystagmus and advise on treatment options. Other testing may include an ear exam, neurological exam, and/or a brain MRI.


While eyeglasses and contact lenses do not correct the nystagmus itself, they can sometimes improve vision. Using large-print books, magnifying devices and increased lighting can also be helpful. Some types of nystagmus improve throughout childhood.

Rarely, surgery is performed to change the position of the muscles that move the eyes. While this surgery does not cure nystagmus, it may reduce how much a person needs to turn his or her head for better vision. If another health problem is causing the nystagmus, a doctor of optometry will often work with a primary care physician or other medical specialists to treat that underlying cause.


Nystagmus can be hereditary, and a person can be born with it, but it can also be a sign of another medical condition. A comprehensive eye exam completed by a doctor of optometry is recommended to determine the cause and course of action.

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