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IIM Indore’s PGP-HRM course; just 1 male against 38 female students

Link [2022-06-27 22:49:30]

Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Unlike other programmes, IIM Indore’s Post-Graduate Programme in Human Resources Management (PGP-HRM)’s new batch is dominated by female students. There is only one male student in the new batch, whereas the number of female students is 38.

IIM Indore inaugurated the new batches of the Post-Graduate Programme (PGP), PGP-HRM, Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) and Integrated Programme in Management—Fourth Year (IPM-4th Year) on Monday. The new batches were inaugurated by IIM Indore director professor Himanshu Rai during the induction programme.

Rai ​shared with the new batches the significance of developing a holistic, inclusive and equitable perspective. “Being a part of IIM Indore gives you a privilege, and with this comes responsibility, as well—the responsibility of yourself and others around you,” he said. Advising the young managers, leaders and budding entrepreneurs, Rai noted that efficient leaders are good at their job; however, successful leaders are the ones who are good at networking. “Talk to the people who are different from you—who come from different backgrounds, have a unique thought process, come from diverse backgrounds and so forth,” he said. He explained that this would help one widen one’s horizon and learn from them.

Rai encouraged the new batches to focus on their conscience and remove all the distractions, as this would allow them to decide on the urgent and important tasks and enable them to achieve fruitful pursuits. “Make sure you respect each other, can manage your emotions and understand and appreciate others’ feelings, as well,” he advised the young batch. “Communicate with an open heart and mind. Take your admission to IIM Indore as an opportunity to learn from everyone around you; only then will you be a success,” he concluded.

On this occasion, the first distinguished alumni award was also conferred on Roopank Chaudhary (PGP 1999-2001). Chaudhary thanked IIM Indore for the award and shared many nostalgic moments with the new batch. He also enlightened the participants with his life’s learnings that helped him grow and achieve success over the years. “Don’t let anyone ever tell you how to achieve success. Success is individual. No one can define success for you. Find your purpose and identify your own definition of success,” he said.

Mentioning that the industry had evolved over the years, significantly more after the pandemic, he advised the participants to be flexible and learn to adapt. “Jobs these days are less about specialisations and more about being agile with diverse experiences. Enhance your emotional quotient and also strengthen your resilient quotient, for this will help you learn to manage chaos and develop the patience to handle and embrace all storms,” he said.

Details of the batch:

Programme - Male - Female - Total

PGP - 323 - 164 - 487

PGP-HRM - 1 - 38 - 39

IPM 4th Year - 68 - 33 - 101

FPM 1st Year - 7 - 7 - 14

Total - 399 - 242 - 641

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