Magazine >> Computerworld

On building a better briefing

Link [2022-02-04 23:13:18]

Like many you, I take part in a lot of videoconference meetings each week. Mine are almost always briefings where a company wants to impart knowledge about a product or service to analysts or reporters. Some of these companies build their own tool with features they don’t use, features that would make the experience better for me and deliver results for them. 

This week, I’m here to discuss what would improve videoconferencing tools for meetings that are non-collaborative but can still address audience questions timely. It’s true for companies rolling out new products, and it’s true for corporate execs trying to convey new strategies.

The pause that refreshes — content control

Some briefing tools can stop, rewind, and review material even during a live event. I’m not a speed typist and people tend to talk very quickly. If I can’t stop and go back to pick up something I’ve missed, I’m likely to get it wrong or miss it entirely.  Being able to control the speed of the content I’m seeing is critical to understanding content and recording it.

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