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Four-day workweek pilot shows wide support for a 32-hour week

Link [2022-09-26 17:20:48]

The largest multinational four-day workweek experiment to date has reached the midway point in the UK, and feedback from participating organizations indicates most hope to retain a 32-hour workweek after their pilot ends.

The experiment is being run by the 4 Day Week Global coalition in collaboration with researchers at Cambridge University, Boston College, and the University of Oxford. With a few exceptions, most companies taking part in the project are smaller firms.

“The pandemic made all of us reevaluate the place of work in our lives, and it showed that we could adopt new ways of working faster than we ever thought possible,”  Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, program director for the 4-day workweek, said via email. “Many people don't want to go back to office life Monday through Friday, and a four-day [workweek] offers features that for some companies make it more attractive than flexible or fully remote work (though you can combine those with a four-day week)."

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