Magazine >> Computerworld

At Enterprise Connect, IT pros set out their hybrid work strategies

Link [2022-03-30 00:52:13]

As businesses move to the next stage in their COVID-19 pandemic response — by reopening offices — many are adopting a hybrid approach — with some staffers working remotely at least part of the week.

But there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, which was apparaent at last week’s Enterprise Connect industry conference, where a panel of IT leaders discussed their priorities as they support multiple modes of working.

“We're going to be very flexible and adaptive,” said Todd White, IT manager of collaboration services at Ford Motor Company, where workers will return to their offices onApril 4. “For certain roles, there are huge benefits by being in the office together with their teams, [with] other roles, not so much. We have an approach where we think 25% to 30% will probably be coming back, but we're going to be flexible enough to accommodate what does happen and we’re going to tack as we see what changes.

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