Magazine >> Computerworld

Apple's Mac shortage is a big red flag for enterprise IT

Link [2022-05-21 22:10:54]

Enterprise purchasers should expect to become frustrated when purchasing new hardware in the coming months, as supply chain logistics continue to deteriorate. When it comes to Apple kit, you may have the budget, but Macs are becoming increasingly difficult to find.

Constraint is not better than constrained

Apple recently announced record-breaking second fiscal quarter revenue of $97.3 billion, but warned supply-chain challenges could cost the company $4 billion to $8 billion in future quarters.

“Right now, our main focus is on the supply side,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook.

“For Q2…, we had constraints, but they were significantly lower and driven by industry wide chip shortages. Looking ahead, there are two causes of constraints: Covid disruptions and silicon shortages. These (COVID-19 lockdown) constraints are primarily around the Shanghai corridor… almost all of the affected factories have now restarted. We’re encouraged that the COVID case count in Shanghai has decreased over the last few days.”

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