Magazine >> Computerworld

Android's underappreciated design revolution

Link [2022-09-21 23:00:35]

Over the past couple years, those of us who pay close attention to mobile-tech matters have been watching a whole new paradigm of design shape up right before our overly moist eyeballs.

And you know I have to be talking about something important here, 'cause I'm using big words like "paradigm" and, erm, "eyeballs."

The subject in question is something core to the Android experience — particularly for anyone who's palming a Google-made Pixel phone, where the core Android software exists in its most undiluted form.

[Psst: Got a Pixel? Any Pixel? Check out my free Pixel Academy e-course to find all the advanced intelligence lurking within your favorite Googley gadget.]

It's a little somethin' called Material You, and having lived with a Pixel through a full year of Android 12 and now the beginning of Android 13, I'm here to tell you it's one of the most shape-shifting and underappreciated advancements we've seen in modern tech — even if hardly anyone seems to be giving it the credit it deserves.

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