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42 ways Google Assistant can make you more efficient on Android

Link [2022-01-28 15:54:10]

Google Assistant is artificial intelligence at your fingertips, especially on Android — but sometimes, it can be tough to know what to ask an omniscient robot to do.

I'm here to help. I've talked to my Android phone more than I'd care to admit (even before it did anything in response — boy, were those awkward times), and I've put together the ultimate guide to Google Assistant's most useful productivity-oriented possibilities.

So clear your throat, grab your favorite Android device, and get ready to make that silky-voiced virtual companion of yours more helpful than ever.

Google Assistant is natively available on any reasonably current Android phone. So long as you've enabled Voice Match in your system settings (and you can search for the phrase "Voice Match" within your settings if you aren't sure), you can access it anytime simply by saying Hey, Google while your phone is in earshot.

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