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March 23 – an undeterred resolve to fly high

Link [2022-03-24 14:34:25]

Associated Press Of Pakistan March 23 – an undeterred resolve to fly high

By Ali Jabir

ISLAMABAD, Mar 24 (APP):Right from the adoption of Pakistan Resolution in 1940 and creation of a motherland in 1947 down to the 82nd Pakistan Day celebrated Wednesday, the nation showed utmost resilience to stand tall among comity of nations. It dared wars, intrigues and sabotage activities by its enemies besides natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, economic crises and above all the challenges of terrorism and Covid-19 pandemic, manifesting its unflinching resolve to secure its independence.

Inspired by determination of founder of the Nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and philosophy and knowledge of Allama Dr Muhammad Iqbal the nascent nation soon after independence faced the enormous challenge of the biggest migration of human history sacrificing their dear ones, properties and valuables. Challenges were enormous and resources were meager but Muslims of Sub-Continent braved all odds to present an invaluable gift to coming generations by freeing them from cruel clutches of colonial regime.

Experiencing numerous ups and down and amidst a common notion that country could not last for long, Pakistan still exists on the world map as its people are preparing to celebrate Diamond Jubilee of their Independence this year. Pakistan Day marks the golden resolve of our great grandfathers who without any shred of doubt resolved to demand a separate homeland where they could freely practice their moral, cultural, spiritual and religious customs and traditions.

Celebrated with a rejuvenated resolve and determination, this day reminds us the commitment to protect and safeguard geographical, constitutional and moral values as enshrined in the legacy of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The country over a tedious voyage of survival and freedom witnessed unprecedented bloodshed and wounds inflicted by its enemies, but it stayed the course and proved wrong all concocted false prophecies of inimical forces with its indomitable courage and valor standing firm to counter every crisis.

At the night of partition was douched into a bloodbath machinated by the extremist Hindu mindset to bring the newly liberated Pakistan on kneels but God had more in his store to prove them wrong. Nature bestowed this nation with fertile land, favorable weather, valiant armed forces, great scholars and scientists and today Pakistani is the sole nuclear power of Muslim Ummah and one of the seven who detonated nuclear device.

Despite resources restraint and enormous international pressure the country on May 28, 1998 resorted to a telling reply to India nuclear detonation, making the world nations believe that Pakistan was fully alive to its defence and independence. “The nation must be proud of its scientists and Nuclear program authorities who in a very limited time of six years achieved accomplished the gigantic task of creating the atomic bomb,” it was remarked by late Dr Abdul Qadir Khan, our national hero and father of our nuclear program, in one of his last interviews.

He was the son of same nascent soil on whose creation people used to doubt its existence for long. “I remembered the 1971 fiasco that convinced and motivated me to spill my blood and sweat to make the country a nuclear power to crush Indian hegemonic designs and self assumed dominance in the region”. After becoming a nuclear power, Pakistan also continued to build its conventional capacity to thwart intrigues and conspiracies.

Either these were full scale wars of the past or present day challenges of terrorism and hybrid war, Pakistani nation dared all challenges with courage and valor. “Our armed forces are well aware and prepared to contain enemy’s designs against our motherland,” remarked Former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General (R) Ehsan ul Haq. “We always manifested high professionalism no matter if there is conventional war or war against terrorism or the latest economic and media wars,” he said. “Our capability is acknowledged world over as our forces are fully trained to equally cope with man-made and natural calamities.”

The two decades long war on terror that cost over $150 billion to country economy and claiming lives of over 80,000 civilians and military personnel had been an enormous challenge of present age. Pakistani nation had not yet completely done with the menace of terrorism, when Covid-19 pandemic popped up and wreaked serious impact on its economy. But, due to prudent policies of the government and masses cooperation Pakistan was appreciated world over for efficiently fighting this disease.

The first of its kind National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) was established in civil and military collaboration to act as a nerve center. Its efforts and coordination with provinces including Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) effectively countered the risk of countrywide Covid spread. The two years of Covid-19 outbreak and its decline in the country narrates the unheard tale of Pakistani nation’s resolve that ensured maximum vaccination of its population in record time.

“The country without having any modern infrastructure to manufacture indigenous Covid-19 vaccine developed its own capacities from the scratch,” said Minister for Planning and Development and Chairman NCOC, Asad Umar. “When Pakistanis unite and get determined they can do anything and can achieve an insurmountable task with national unity and cohesion,” Asad Umar said. Therefore, it is high time to equip our younger generation with diverse knowledge and technical expertise so our nation stands firm against enemy’s conspiracies and challenges like terrorism, economic recession, Islamophobia and hybrid warfare.

This post March 23 – an undeterred resolve to fly high first appeared on Associated Press Of Pakistan and owns the property.

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